Hi there and welcome to our blog! You'll find a wide variety of information to aid you in making decisions, getting help and find the information you're looking for, or to help plan for the future and the possibility of a health risk or disaster affecting you or someone you know. If you're here, chances are you've experienced or are expecting some kind of health risk, whether its asbestos or mould, you'll find information here.
Things you'll find:
- Asbestos information and tips
- Mould information and tips
- Restoration tips
- Restoration and disaster information
- Help with different types of disaster relief
- Prevention help
and much more!
It's our goal to help make life for those affected by a health risk or disaster a bit less difficult and stressful.
Feel free to take a look around, if you have any questions or comments, feel free to comment below or send us a message and we'll try help where we can!
Thanks for stopping by and don't forget to sign up to our newsletter for updates, tips and post release information!